Archive for the ‘felt hats’ Category

Happy International Felt Hat Day…September 15

September 15, 2014

Friend, and Online Editor at Fiber Art Now magazine, Cami Smith, shared with me that Monday, September 15, 2014  is International Felt Hat Day. Now how did that escape me? Thank you for the heads up, Cami. Of course, every day is International Felt Hat Day for me 😉 I hope that you’ll join in the celebration by wearing a hat, or looking at hats. I’ve attached a few images of some of my creations at the end of this post.

I love this quote, “When you wear a hat, you become the dream that started when the hat was conceived.  The original energy that was put into the hat doesn’t die; it only changes forms and owners.  The dream doesn’t die; it is passed on, sometimes from generation to generation.” ~ Unknown. I hope that one of my hats may still be worn in generations to come…That would be a very nice continuation of the dream.

Happy International Felt Hat Day! Dust off your Felt Cloche, or perhaps your mood leans more toward a felt crown. Whatever your disposition decrees, do celebrate. And, if you need a hat to join in the celebration, be sure to stop by….I think I have a few to spare.

Here’s to hats and felting, and the combination of the two.

Dawn Edwards