Posts Tagged ‘Nature’

‘I Went to the Woods’

March 14, 2014

Nature provides for us a sacred space in an otherwise hurried world. For this handmade felt vessel (created with Bergschaf wool, assorted fibers and  embellishments), I envisioned images of the forest floor, and the words of Henry David Thoreau:

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

We have a nature preserve not far from our home and I frequently walk along the trails. Though it is within the city limits, once inside the preserve, one feels quite far removed from neighborhood sights and sounds….no honking cars or blaring snowblowers or lawnmowers, no streetlights…only the crunch of leaves and pine needles under foot and the sounds of the river flowing next to the banks. Our dog, Yogi, loves to walk along the paths, he sniffing at all of the glorious scents left behind and digging under the lichen covered barks fallen from the trees. These walks allow me time to be swept away/lost in thought. I can, in these moments, relate to Thoreau’s desire to live simply and spiritually and his words resonate as I listen to the ‘sounds of silence’ and reflect upon that which is important in life and for that I rejoice for this glorious earth upon which we have been so blessed to live.

Update: I entered this vessel into the April 2014 Westminster Arts Festival, a juried exhibition of the visual arts. This year’s theme was, ‘Earthcare: Reconcile, Restore, Rejoice’, which explored the connection between human beings and the natural environment. The exhibition was located at 1515 Helen Street in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I was awarded with the Committee Prize Award, which helped me to purchase a much needed new laptop computer. Thank you Westminster Arts Festival. 

“I Went to the Woods’ Felt Vessel by Dawn Edwards

Dawn Edwards, shown with Committee Choice Award check

Dawn Edwards, shown with Committee Choice Award check

Close-up of naturally dyed silk and assorted fibers on the vessel.

Close-up of naturally dyed silk and assorted fibers on the vessel.

Close-up image of Burr Oak acorn on the vessel.

Close-up image of Burr Oak acorn on the vessel.

Burr Oak Acorn

Burr Oak Acorn